Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die, Se tutte le donne del mondo
Fri, Mar 23, 2012
1966. dirs. Henry Livin and Arduino Maiuri with Mike Conners, Dorothy Provine, and Raf Vallone 106 min, Digital Projection
Salvatore Argento’s first producing credit was “Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die” skewered the 1960s popular spy genre launched with the success of James Bond franchise. In “Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die,” CIA operative Kelly (Conners) must thwart the schemes of Brazilian industrialist Mr. Ardonian (Vallone). With his own satellite in orbit, Mr. Ardonian plans to sterilize the human race, before repopulating it himself with the assistance of a legion of beautiful woman he has kidnapped and keeps in suspended animation. Teaming with aristocratic MI-6 Agent (Provine), Kelly must utilize his assortment of over the top gadgets and spy trickery to save the day.