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Search Results

  1. Kinetic Cinema is a regular screening series of Pentacle’s Movement Media curated by invited guest artists who ... Kinetic Cinema is a regular screening series of Pentacle’s Movement Media curated by invited guest artists who ...

  2. ... is part of the Museum's Global Maker's Initiative—a series of exhibitions, launched in 2010 with The Global Africa Project, ... political climate. Cuban photographer Ernesto Oroza's series Architecture of Necessity documents how individual citizens retrofit ...

  3. ... February 2 Saturday, February 3 AS Artist on Series Page:  At Play: Performing Artist-in-Residence Series ...

  4. ... composition, and loves working with logical and aesthetic series. Her collection “Dancing Planes” centers on strata, metal, lacquers, ...

  5. ... intangible moments into colors and lines. Her previous series, “Presence and Two Separate Ways,” explored the concept of ...

  6. ... All her creations are handmade, either one-offs or small series, using recycled precious metals and fully traceable stones sourced in ...

  7. ... seeking to capture moments from her life. In her latest series, “Floral,” she takes inspiration from nature, searching for harmony ...

  8. ... Estes: Painting New York City  features Estes’ recent series of night images, which augment the brightly sunlit and blue-skied views that have dominated his urban views. This nocturnal series exploits Estes' fascination with reflective surfaces and light, while ...

  9. ... INVISIBLE SCULPTURES  Invisible Sculptures  is a series of sculptures that are invisible to the eye and can only be “seen” ...

  10. ... techniques. Take the Colombian Mariana Shuk. She has made a series of rings using traditional ring shanks ordered from mega-jewelry ... latex and silver, Mirla Fernandes assembled her necklace series Heranca ( Inheritance ), which was inspired by the blue and white ...


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