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Search Results

  1. ... creation, Flaccid Domesticity . Commissioned for the series Making a Scene: Objects for Performance , Flaccid Domesticity is a scenic environment comprised of series of props made from soft and loose materials—including plastics, ...

  2. ... creation, Flaccid Domesticity . Commissioned for the series Making a Scene: Objects for Performance , Flaccid Domesticity is a scenic environment comprised of series of props made from soft and loose materials—including plastics, ...

  3. ... creation, Flaccid Domesticity . Commissioned for the series Making a Scene: Objects for Performance , Flaccid Domesticity is a scenic environment comprised of series of props made from soft and loose materials—including plastics, ...

  4. ... creation, Flaccid Domesticity . Commissioned for the series Making a Scene: Objects for Performance , Flaccid Domesticity is a scenic environment comprised of series of props made from soft and loose materials—including plastics, ...

  5. ... creation, Flaccid Domesticity . Commissioned for the series Making a Scene: Objects for Performance , Flaccid Domesticity is a scenic environment comprised of series of props made from soft and loose materials—including plastics, ...

  6. ... creation, Flaccid Domesticity . Commissioned for the series Making a Scene: Objects for Performance , Flaccid Domesticity is a scenic environment comprised of series of props made from soft and loose materials—including plastics, ...

  7. ... her new work, Artist Anonymous. Finley will host a series of meetings and outline her own 13-step course of action for recovery ... beginning July 18, Artists Anonymous is conceived as a series of open meetings for artists who feel that their lives have been ...

  8. ... and musicians to activate Meeting Table through a series of performances that develop the themes of the piece: considering how ... and musicians to activate Meeting Table through a series of performances that develop the themes of the piece: considering how ...

  9. ... and musicians to activate Meeting Table through a series of performances that develop the themes of the piece: considering how ... and musicians to activate Meeting Table through a series of performances that develop the themes of the piece: considering how ...

  10. ... and musicians to activate Meeting Table through a series of performances that develop the themes of the piece: considering how ... and musicians to activate Meeting Table through a series of performances that develop the themes of the piece: considering how ...


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