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  1. ... a live broadcast from MAD museum of the popular public radio series. Music provided by Lenny Kaye. $15.00 ... a live broadcast from MAD museum of the popular public radio series. Music provided by Lenny Kaye.   General ...

  2. ... charm afterward!   Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ... studios at MAD Artslab is a free workshop series that connects NYC teens with alumni of MAD's Artist Studios Residency ...

  3. ... documentary and cinema vérité.  By addressing a series of subjects ranging from the American wealthy elite, fashion conscious ... born artist Julika Rudelius’ cinematic works address a series of subjects ranging from the American wealthy elite, fashion conscious ...

  4. ... weather, age, and more.  Artslab is a free workshop series that connects NYC teens with alumni of MAD's Artist Studios Residency ... studios at MAD Artslab is a free workshop series that connects NYC teens with alumni of MAD's Artist Studios Residency ...

  5. 2003, dir. James Fotopoulos The first in a series of videos exploring inter-dimensional travel, Jerusalem plays like a ... Theater at MAD $7.00 The first in a series of videos exploring inter-dimensional travel, Jerusalem plays like a ...

  6. ... artists-in-residence, MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ... by artists-in-residence, MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ...

  7. ... and meditative world of Crafts Abyss ,  a video series that explores the fuzzy dimensions of the World Wide Web. During the ... and Trevor Mahovsky, is an artwork taking the form of a series of meditative DIY and ASMR influenced videos, in which the artists ...

  8. Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ... studios at MAD Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ...

  9. ... residency cycle. MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on educational series that invites visitors to learn the artists’ own methods and test their skills at art making and creative production. The series engages visitors in various techniques and ideas, facilitating greater ...

  10. ... the twenty-seven works in the “Virtual Still Life” series, Brown selected from nearly five hundred objects, primarily ceramic, and ... In addition to examples from this last, important series, Roger Brown: Virtual Still Lifes presents early paintings that set ...


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