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Search Results

  1. Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ... studios at MAD Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ...

  2. Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ... studios at MAD Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ...

  3. ... that examine social themes through a queer lens. Their series of intricate embroideries and textile assemblages subvert craft forms ... settings. At MAD, Colby will further develop a new series that considers trans and non-binary identity and is inspired by funeral ...

  4. ... in the United States, Sui is participating in a series of conversations at MAD with her favorite collaborators and muses. For ... in the United States, Sui is participating in a series of conversations at MAD with her favorite collaborators and muses. ...

  5. Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ... Artslab Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ...

  6. Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ... studios at MAD Artslab  is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship ...

  7. ... detail. At MAD, Grobstein will expand her recent series of miniature sculptures of roadside memorials. As private markers in ... gathering spaces for negotiating grief and trauma. This series explores our relationship with the dead, unpacking how memory is ...

  8. ... by artists-in-residence, MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ... by artists-in-residence, MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ...

  9. ... Sold the Soul?  (BBC Radio 4). The former host of such BBC series as  Your Money or Your Life  and  Alvin’s Guide to Good Business ... companion book for his Driving the Green Book podcast series and writing a memoir of his childhood in the Florida Panhandle. ...

  10. ... Made entirely from footage derived from the video game series  Grand Theft Auto , Phil Solomon’s trilogy, In Memoriam , ... Made entirely from footage derived from the video game series  Grand Theft Auto , Phil Solomon’s trilogy,  In Memoriam , ...


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